“Kinda Pregnant” is an upcoming Netflix comedy film starring Amy Schumer, set to premiere on February 5, 2025. Kinda Pregnant is directed by Tyler Spindel and co-written by Amy Schumer. Movie stars Julie Paiva, including Jillian Bell, Brianne Howey, Damon Wayans Jr., and Alex Moffat. The movie explores themes like the pressure women face about marriage and parenthood, mixing humor with moments that feel real and relatable. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Kinda Pregnant filming locations and what makes this movie a must-watch!
Kinda Pregnant Plot Summary
Kinda Pregnant tells the story of Lainy, an English teacher from Brooklyn, who becomes very jealous when her best friend shares that she’s pregnant. In a moment of impulse, Lainy decides to wear a fake baby bump to get the attention and excitement she feels she’s missing out on. But everything changes when she meets the man of her dreams, played by Will Forte. What started as a small lie soon leads to a series of funny and touching situations. This comedy isn’t just about laughs; it also explores themes like the pressure from society and the search for true happiness, all told through a clever and relatable story.
Where Was The Netflix Movie Kinda Pregnant Filmed?
Kinda Pregnant was filmed in Brooklyn, New York, which offered the perfect city setting for the film’s funny and down-to-earth storyline. Other parts of New York City were also used to show the lively energy and mix of people that make up the city.
Brooklyn, New York
The main filming locations for the Kinda Pregnant film were in Brooklyn’s busy streets. Brooklyn was perfect for showing Lainy’s journey because of its lively neighborhoods and diverse cultures. Tyler Spindel, the director, said, “Brooklyn’s energy and rawness brought the story to life, making it feel real and easy to connect with.” She also said, “Filming in Brooklyn felt like coming home.” Amy Schumer has strong ties to New York. That setting is excellent for this kind of story.
New York City Subway
The New York City subway played an important role in Kinda Pregnant. The busy, iconic setting helped make the movie feel more realistic and true to city life.
Other Locations in New York
Many other locations of New York were used to film Kinda Pregnant. These locations add depth and diversity to the film’s backdrop. The producers stated that, “New York’s vibrant atmosphere is unmatched. From busy streets to quieter spots, every location added something unique to the film.”
When Did the Filming of Kinda Pregnant Movie Take Place?
Filming for Kinda Pregnant happened in February and March of 2024. The production team filmed in different areas of Brooklyn and other parts of New York—capturing the city’s atmosphere during the winter season.
Kinda Pregnant Cast Details
- Amy Schumer as Lainy
- Jillian Bell
- Will Forte
- Damon Wayans Jr.
- Brianne Howey
- Chris Geere
- Alex Moffat
- Joel David Moore
- Lizze Broadway
- Urzila Carlson
- Francis Benhamou
Kinda Pregnant Behind The Scenes
Kinda Pregnant Official Trailer
The official trailer for Kinda Pregnant offers a funny preview of Lainy’s crazy adventure. You can watch it here:
“Kinda Pregnant” was filmed in Brooklyn and other parts of New York, which is an excellent fit for the movie’s funny and touching story. Watch this Netflix comedy. It has a great cast and a story many people can relate to. Mark your February 5, 2025 calendars, and get ready to laugh!
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